“ It is very important for us to be able to rely on a partner who knows what we want, thinks along with us and then works together as a team. That is what Wholesale by Vels has found at BBV Logistics Support. “
Rinaldo Vels
Managing Director
Wholesale by Vels B.V.
“ BBV Logistics has developed over many years into a trusted and reliable partner with a range of services in the aviation sector. They always have a flexible approach to business models for different goods being handled. “
J. Boukdid
Branch Manager Airfreight
BDP Nederland B.V.
We have partnered for over 10 years and are still growing strongly. Proud to call them our partner, keep up the great spirit and good work.
J. Boukdid
BBV Logistics Support
(Fokker Logistics Park)
Fokkerweg 300
Building 8F
1438 AN Oude Meer
Phone : +31 20 406 8040
CvC: 34297545
Bank: NL98ABNA0247607592
BTW: NL8223.03.474.B01