Value added logistics

Value added logistics

“Value Added Logistics (VAL) is the creation of a higher added value in the logistics chain. Every transport company can move products from A to B, but it is difficult to stand out with that in a market full of competition. Carriers therefore provide an increasing number of services: not only do they organise transport, they also pack, weigh and label the products”. Thats Value Added Logistics according to the Logistics Glossary.

At BBV Logistics Support we listen to our customers. As we are a result driven organisation, we provide Consultancy services to our customer. Logistics is very comprehensive, especially when Value Added Services are needed.

We operate our own warehouse management system, which supports a lot tasks and services. Scanning on pallet, piece or SKU level, it is all possible. Our management system is devided in 2 main streams as we operate a bonded warehouse for goods under bond, but alsof or EU Free Circulation goods. 

Our ecommerce customers are very pleased with our Value Added Services as this allows them to respond to market demands in a very flexible way.

Are you interested to speak to one of our team members to discuss our Value Added Services portfolio? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Fokkerpark Bedrijven terrein
Address information

BBV Logistics Support
(Fokker Logistics Park)
Fokkerweg 300
Building 8F
1438 AN Oude Meer

Consultancy, Transport and Warehousing

Phone : +31 20 406 8040

General Information

CoC: 34297545
Bank: NL98ABNA0247607592
BTW: NL8223.03.474.B01

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